- Halal guide for your travel in Tokyo.
- List of all the Halal and Muslim-friendly restaurants in Western Tokyo.
- Bisan
- Bodrum
- Bol Bol
- Cabe
- Carthago
- Carvaan
- Chabuzen
- Chixisuxi
- Curry Leaves South Indian Cafe & Restaurant
- Dar Roiseau
- Deli shop Uchimura
- Ertugrul
- Funabashiya
- Jame Jam
- Kebab Stand
- Kiwamiya
- Korinbo
- Ko-so Cafe
- Lashika
- Maharaja Biryani
- Milan Nataraj
- Nataraj
- Le Maghreb Chandelier
- Madal
- Masala
- Mrs Istanbul
- Mokumoku Mura no Jidori
- My Dining
- New New York Club
- Otsukaresan
- Pao
- Premarché Gelateria & Alternative Junk
- Rakushumi
- Rahi
- Red Lobster
- Rumi
- Sabalan
- Saido
- Sakura Cafe
- Samrat
- Saray Kebab
- Soraben Kobo
- Tam Tam
- Tandoor
- Torkari
- Zaika
- Vege Harb Saga
- Vivid Asia
- Yildiz
Halal guide for your travel in Tokyo.
In Japan, several organizations have published lists of Halal or Muslim-friendly restaurants. However, these brochures are only available at the station of your travel, which means you can get the information when you really get there or may be the information itself is not up to date. This situation would make your travel planning more difficult and would limit your food choices in Japan. In order to solve this problem, we have gathered all the information that offers Halal and Muslim-friendly meals in this page.
Today, we are going to make a list of Western Tokyo, which we mean are Ota, Shinagawa, Meguro, Setagaya, Suginami, Nakano, Nerima, Itabashi and Kita Wards. To check the basic information of Tokyo, visit this page.
In order to maintain the correctness, we would like to ask all of you to let us know if there is any updated information. Thank you in advance.
Also check the information of Central Tokyo and Eastern Tokyo.
List of all the Halal and Muslim-friendly restaurants in Western Tokyo.
Information as of February 2023. Please check the information before visiting.
Address: 1-21-2 Naka Jujo, Kita Ward, Tokyo 東京都北区中十条2-21-1
Genre: Middle Eastern
Tel: 03-5948-5711
Address: 2nd Flr., M Bldg., 3-22-2 Ohashi, Meguro Ward, Tokyo 東京都目黒区大橋2-22-3 Mビル2階
Genre: Turkish
Tel: 03-3467-6813
Bol Bol
Address: 2nd Flr., 15-2-3 Koenji Kita, Suginami Ward, Tokyo 東京都杉並区高円寺北3-2-15 2階
Genre: Persian
Tel: 03-3223-3277
Address: 2nd Flr., Daiichi Tanaka Bldg., 4-5-3 Kami Osaki, Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo 東京都品川区上大崎3-5-4 第1田中ビル2階
Genre: Indonesian
Tel: 03-6432-5748
*There is another branch in Musashikoyama.
Address: 1st Flr., Nakano Yagen Coopo, 3-34-3 nakano, Nakano Ward, Tokyo 東京都中野区中野3-34-3 中野住研コーポ 1階
Genre: Turkish
Tel: 03-3384-9324
Address: 12th Flr., Shibuya Scramble Square, 12-24-2 Shibuya, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo 東京都渋谷区渋谷2-24-12 渋谷スクランブルスクエア 12階
Genre: Cafe, Middle Eastern
Tel: 03-6451-1772
Address: 20-16-6 Daita, Setagaya Ward, Tokyo 東京都世田谷区代田6-16-20
Genre: Vegan Ramen *May ontain Alcohol.
Tel: 080-6603-8587
Address: 1st Flr., Beniya Bldg., 11-8-1 Omori Kita, Ota Ward, Tokyo 東京都大田区大森北1-8-11 紅屋ビル 1階
Genre: Beef Chinese Noodle
Tel: 03-6423-1548
*Complete Halal Yakiniku restaurant will open shortly. Opposite side of the restaurant.
Curry Leaves South Indian Cafe & Restaurant
Address: 10-24-1 Jujo Nakahara, Kita Ward, Tokyo 東京都北区十条仲原1-24-10
Genre: Indian
Tel: 03-5948-4310
Dar Roiseau
Address: 7-13-2 Sangenjaya, Setagaya Ward, Tokyo 東京都世田谷区三軒茶屋2-13-17
Genre: Moroccan
Tel: 03-3418-8603
Deli shop Uchimura
Address: 11-2-3 Kitasawa, Setagaya Ward, Tokyo 東京都世田谷区北沢3-2-11
Genre: Middle Eastern
Tel: 03-3468-2715
Address: 1st Flr., Nakano Daiichi Bldg., 14-33-3 Nakano, Nakano Ward, Tokyo 東京都中野区中野3-33-14 中野第1ビル 1階
Genre: Kebab
Tel: 03-6382-8895
Address: 1-17-5 Hiroo, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo 東京都渋谷区広尾5-17-1
Genre: Sweets
Tel: 03-5449-2784
Jame Jam
Address: 7-20-2 Asagaya Minami, Suginami Ward, Tokyo 東京都杉並区阿佐谷南2-20-7
Genre: Iranian
Tel: 03-3311-3223
Kebab Stand
Address: 4th Flr., Haneda Airport International Teminal, Ota Ward, Tokyo 5-6-2 東京都大田区2-6-5羽田空港国際線旅客ターミナル4階
Genre: Kebab
Tel: 03-6459-9377
Address: G1 Flr., PART 1, Shibuya PARCO 1-15 Utagawa cho, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo 東京都渋谷区宇田川町15-1 渋谷パルコ PART1 B1階
Genre: Hamburg steak
Tel: 03-5422-3122
Address: 2nd Flr., Nakano Broadway 15-52-5 Nakano, Nakano Ward, Tokyo 東京都中野区中野5-52-15 中野ブロードウェイ2階
Genre: Vegetarian
Tel: 03-3385-7005
*May have used alcoholic seasoning.
Ko-so Cafe
Address: 1st Flr., Lion’s Plaza Ebisu 3-25-2 Higashi, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo 東京都渋谷区東3-25-3 ライオンズプラザ恵比寿 1階
Genre: Vegetarian
Tel: 03-3409-3405
Address: 8-4-2 Higashi Yukigaya, Ota Ward, Tokyo 東京都大田区東雪谷2-4-8
Genre: Indian
Tel: 03-3728-0688
Maharaja Biryani
Address: 11-33-4 Kitasawa, Setagaya Ward, Tokyo 東京都世田谷区北沢4-33-11
Genre: Indian
Tel: 03-3468-4540
Milan Nataraj
Address: 3rd Flr., Iwamoto Bldg., 7-22-1 Jinnan, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo 東京都渋谷区神南1-22-7 岩本ビル 3階
Genre: Indian
Tel: 050-5589-8137
Address: 6-30-5 Ogikubo, Suginami Ward, Tokyo 東京都杉並区荻窪5-30-6
Genre: Indian
Tel: 03-3398-5108
Le Maghreb Chandelier
Address: 東京都世田谷区玉川3-10-11 1階
Genre: Moroccan
Tel: 03-3709-2664
*There is another branch at Roppongi.
Address: 5th Flr., Meguro Business Mansion, 2-15-2 Kami Osaki, Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo東京都品川区上大崎2-15-2目黒ビジネスマンション5階
Genre: Indian
Tel: 03-3442-3566
Address: 1st Flr., Omori Bell Port D, 3-26-6 Minami Oi, Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo 東京都品川区南大井6-26-3 大森ベルポートD館1階
Genre: Indian
Tel: 03-5753-8595
Mrs Istanbul
Address: 3rd Flr., 5-6-2, Haneda Airport International Teminal, Ota Ward, Tokyo 東京都大田区2-6-5羽田空港国際線旅客ターミナル3階
Mokumoku Mura no Jidori
Address: 1st Flr., Harada Bldg., 3-1-5 Kamata, Ota Ward, Tokyo 東京都大田区蒲田5-1-3 原田ビル1階
Genre: BBQ
Tel: 03-6428-6416
*The restaurant is permanently closed.
My Dining
Address: 101 New Coop Meidai Mae, 6-26-2 Matsubara, Setagaya Ward, Tokyo 東京都世田谷区松原2-26-6 明大前ニューコーポ101
Genre: Mexican
Tel: 03-3327-5535
New New York Club
Address: 14-15-2 Midorigaoka, Meguro Ward, Tokyo 東京都目黒区緑が丘2-15-14
Genre: Western
Tel: 03-6459-5669
Address: 20-2-1 Matsugaoka, Nakano Ward, Tokyo 東京都中野区松が丘1-2-20
Genre: Persian
Tel: 03-3385-4649
Address: 6-25-2 Higashi Nakano, Nakano Ward, Tokyo 東京都中野区東中野2-25-6
Genre: Lamb
Tel: 03-3371-3750
Premarché Gelateria & Alternative Junk
Address: 36-9 2 Chome, Ue meguro, Meguro Ward, Tokyo 東京都目黒区上目黒2丁目9-36
Genre: Sweets
Tel: 03-6303-0141
Address: 2nd Flr., San Felista Meguro, 1-27-2 Kami Osaki, Shinagawa, Tokyo 東京都品川区上大崎2-27-1 サンフェリスタ目黒2階
Genre: Indian
Tel: 03-3493-3714
Address: 2nd Flr., 17-15-3 Nishi ogiminami, Suginami Ward, Tokyo 東京都杉並区西荻南3-15-17 2階
Genre: Pakistani
Tel: 03-3331-7860
Red Lobster
Address: 5-20-3 Sakuragawa, Itabashi Ward, Tokyo 東京都板橋区桜川3-20-5
Genre: Seafood
Tel: 03-3559-3445
Address: 1st Flr., 15-2-3 Koenji Kita, Suginami Ward, Tokyo 東京都杉並区高円寺北3-2-15 1階
Genre: Indian
Tel: 050-5571-0753
Address: 2nd Flr., Jiyugaoka Depart, 8-28-1 Jiyugaoka, Meguro Ward, Tokyo 東京都目黒区自由が丘1-28-8 自由が丘デパート 2階
Genre: Turkish
Tel: 03-5701-0012
Address: 10-15 2 Chome, Jiyugaoka, Meguro Ward, Tokyo 東京都目黒区自由が丘2丁目15-10
Genre: Vegan Japanese
Tel: 050-5436-4138
Sakura Cafe
Address: 3-32-1 Hatagaya, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo 東京都渋谷区幡ヶ谷1-32-3
Genre: International
Tel: 050-5869-3919
Address: 2nd Flr., 3-12-1 Jiyugaoka, Meguro Ward, Tokyo 東京都目黒区自由が丘1-12-3 2階
Genre: Indian
Tel: 03-6421-3568
*There are 2 other branches in Shirogane and Aoyama.
Saray Kebab
Address: 6-14-3 Takaban, Meguro Ward, Tokyo 東京都目黒区鷹番3-14-6
Genre: Kebab
Tel: N/A
Soraben Kobo
Address: Terminal Lobby 5, 2nd Flr., the Second Passenger terminal, Haneda Airport, Ota Ward, Tokyo 東京都大田区羽田空港第2旅客ターミナル2階 ターミナルロビー5
Genre: Japanese
Tel: 03-6428-8775
*One at Terminal 1 is permanently closed.
*They do not sell Halal bento anymore, as of September 2024.
Tam Tam
Address: 15-18-3 Shoan, Suginami Ward, Tokyo 東京都杉並区松庵3-18-15
Genre: Moroccan
Tel: 03-6320-9937
Address: 4th Flr., Koyo Bldg., 4-16-2 Kami Osaki, Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo 東京都品川区上大崎2-16-4 甲陽ビル4階
Genre: Indian
Tel: 03-3449-0901
*There is another branch at Ebisu.
Address: 1st Flr., Daiichi Shijo, 8-22-3 Koenji Kita, Suginami Ward, Tokyo 東京都杉並区高円寺北3-22-8 大一市場 1階
Genre: Indian
Tel: 050-5571-3188
Address: 6-2-3 Minami Kamata, Ota Ward, Tokyo 東京都大田区南蒲田3-2-6
Genre: Pakistani
Tel: 03-3744-1066
Vege Harb Saga
Address: G1 Flr., Torin Bldg., 1-22-5 Ueno, Taito Ward, Tokyo 東京都台東区上野5-22-1 東鈴ビルB1階
Genre: Indian Veg
Tel: 03-5818-4154
Vivid Asia
Address: 1st Flr., Santopia Tamagawa, 8-20-3 Tamagawa, Setagaya Ward, Tokyo 東京都世田谷区玉川3-20-8 サントピア玉川 1階
Genre: Asian
Tel: 03-6411-7258
Address: 2nd Flr., 3-18-5 Kamata, Ota Ward, Tokyo 東京都大田区蒲田5-18-3 2階
Genre: Turkish
Tel: 030-6424-9797
How is the Halal food situation in Western Tokyo?
When compared with central and Eastern Tokyo, there are less Halal and Muslim-friendly restaurants in Western Tokyo. Still, we have quite a lot of choices and it is not that difficult to find Halal food in this city.
We still ask you to check on the latest information.