Yamanashi Halal restaurants

List of Halal restaurants in YAMANASHI, Japan

Halal guide for your travel in Yamanashi.

In Japan, several organizations have published lists of Halal or Muslim-friendly restaurants. However, these brochures are only available at the station of your travel, which means you can get the information when you really get there or may be the information itself is not up to date. This situation would make your travel planning more difficult and would limit your food choices in Japan. In order to solve this problem, we have gathered all the information that offers Halal and Muslim-friendly meals in this page.

Today, we are going to make a list of Yamanashi, Japan. To check the basic information of Yamanashi, visit this page.

In order to maintain the correctness, we would like to ask all of you to let us know if there is any updated information. Thank you in advance.

List of all the Halal and Muslim-friendly restaurants in Yamanashi.

Information as of May 2023. Please check the information before visiting.


Address: 1-288 Funatsu, Fuji Kawaguchiko cho, Minami Tsuru gun, Yamanashi 山梨県南都留郡富士河口湖町船津288-1
Genre: Indian
Tel: 0555-72-6755

Doner Kebab

Address: Fuji Q Highland, 1-6-5 Shin Nishibara, Fuji Yoshida, Yamanashi 山梨県富士吉田市新西原5-6-1 富士急ハイランド
Genre: Kebab
Tel: 0555-23-2111

Fujimori Shoten

Address: Inside Saiko Iyashi no Satoneba, 2710 Saiko Neba, Fuji Kawaguchiko cho, Minami tsuru gun, Yamanashi 山梨県南都留郡富士河口湖町西湖根場2710 西湖いやしの里根場 内
Genre: International
Tel: 0555-20-4677

Fujisan Lava Cafe

Address: 1-6663 Funatsu, Fuji Kawaguchiko cho, Minami Tsuru gun, Yamanashi 山梨県南都留郡富士河口湖町船津6663-1
Genre: Vegetarian
Tel: 0555-72-0259

Fujiten Snow Resort

Address: 1-8545 Fujisan Narusawa mura, Minami Tsuru gun, Yamanashi 山梨県南都留郡鳴沢村字富士山8545-1
Genre: Vegetarian curry and pasta
Tel: 0555-85-2000

Houto Labo

Address: 1-2746 Kawaguchi, Fuji Kawaguchiko cho, Minami Tsuru gun, Yamanashi 山梨県南都留郡富士河口湖町河口2746-1
Genre: Hoto Noodle
Tel: 0555-76-8228


Address: 4-3486 Funatsu, Fuji Kawaguchiko cho, Minami Tsuru gun, Yamanashi 山梨県南都留郡富士河口湖町船津3486-4
Genre: Tempura
Tel: 0555-73-9218

Masala Art

Address: 1-575 Nakakogawara cho, Kofu, Yamanashi 山梨県甲府市中小河原町575-1
Genre: Indian
Tel: 055-241-3311


Address: 10-8 Nishi Kosei Fuji Kawaguchiko cho, Minami Tsuru gun, Yamanashi 山梨県南都留郡富士河口湖町西湖西8-10
Genre: Japanese
Tel: 0555-82-2206
*They only take group customers.

T&T Fujiyama Halal restaurant

Address: 10-12-1 Koasumi, Fuji Yoshida, Yamanashi 山梨県富士吉田市小明見1-12-10
Genre: Japanese
Tel:  08051062280
*Halal certified, Hostel also available.

The Spice Hut

Address: 2nd Flr., Peace Bldg., 4-4224 Funatsu, Fuji Kawaguchiko machi, Minami Tsuru gun, Yamanashi 山梨県南都留郡富士河口湖町船津4224-4 Peace Building 2階
Genre: Indian
Tel: 0555-25-7544

Uoyoshi Kaikan

Address: 13-5-4 Asahi Fuji Yoshida, Yamanashi 山梨県富士吉田市旭4-5-13
Genre: Japanese
Tel: 0555-23-3221

How is the Halal food situation in Yamanashi?

It is very interesting to see there are more Halal and Muslim-friendly restaurants in the countryside than in the capital. This is because Mt. Fuji is the largest touristic attraction in Yamanashi Prefecture.

Though there are some Halal restaurants available, it is not always easy to reach the restaurant, especially if you are not familiar with climbing mountains. Plan carefully and check if the restaurant is open or not, and if they can prepare meals for Muslims.