UHA Mikakuto (UHA味覚糖) is a company established in Osaka, 1949. The company was established by a man Torakichi Yamada, who has learned how to make candies. His business became successful, and their products are currently sold throughout Japan.
The fact that proofs their success can be seen from their branches in overseas. To extend their market in Southeast Asia, they have obtained a Halal Certificate from NAHA, Nippon Asia Halal Association. It sounds like all the Muslims in Japan can consume their products without any concerns, however, the truth is that the products sold in Japan are not Halal.
What are the famous products from UHA?
Their business has started from candy, and their share within the domestic market is huge. UHA was actually the third biggest candy manufacturer in 2008. Their policy is to produce a “healthy” candy, which sounds very interesting, because candy is made from sugar. UHA has so many products using less sugar or the candy whose sugar has been replaced by sweeteners.
So many of their candies are using emulsifier, but it is confirmed that they are Plant-based. Still, please check on the labels carefully.
Another major product from UHA is gummy. Well, Japanese gummy is a snack that Muslims should be very careful of, because most of them contain Gelatin, an animal-derived ingredient. Following is a list of famous UHA gummies but let us remind you that please never try to buy one if you are in Japan, because they have pig gelatin as their ingredients.
KororoNinja Gummy
Do they sell Halal-certified products in Japan?
As mentioned, UHA has obtained a Halal certificate in the aim of expanding their market in Southeast Asia. That is the reason why there is a confusion going on with regards to their product. Some say that UHA is selling their Halal certified products in Japan, but this is not true.
To clarify the matter, we have got in touch with customer care service in UHA, and they have told us that the products sold in Japan are not Halal certified. Products whose Halal status were confirmed are all exported to other countries, so even though you find the same item in Japan as in your country, don’t assume that they are all the same. What makes the matters worse is that they are using gelatin from Pig for gummies!
Is there any chance we can buy a Halal certified UHA products in Japan?
We have also asked the customer care service if there is any place where we can obtain a Halal-certified products in Japan. They have told us that there is no place in Japan where they handle Halal products. Their candies are most probably Muslim-friendly but stay away from gummies or soft candies like Puccho (ぷっちょ) in Japan.
Credit: https://www.uha-mikakuto.co.jp/
Instead, we can get their sweet potato chips (おさつどきっ). They are not using any haram ingredients, or in contact with animal-derived products.
Credit: https://www.uha-mikakuto.co.jp/ Osatsu Doki, their another best-selling product.
Sweet Potato from Japan or China, Sugar, Plant oil, Antioxidant
In conclusion.
Even though UHA has obtained a Halal certificate, it does not mean all of their products are good to be consumed by Muslims. The information is based on as of May 2023, if there is any update, we will let you know.