We welcome 100+ Muslims every year!
How to find Halal food in Japan?
How can we best plan our trip in Japan while ensuring religious requirements?
We want to make sure that we enjoy a smooth and stress-free trip!
Japan is attractive, but because of cultural difference and language barrier
many Muslims still find it difficult to travel to Japan.
Just leave it to us!
We are a travel agent specializing in Muslim customers traveling to Japan!
When you travel with us, you do not have to worry about
Halal/Muslim-friendly meals, prayer, and other basic needs that should be respected according to Islamic teachings.

We are the most experienced tour agent in welcoming Muslims.
We are proud to say this because staffs in our company have all lived in Middle East and .
This experience has boosted our reputation, and now we welcome more than 100 Muslim customers every year.
Due to high demand, we are now shifting our focus to group travelers instead of individual customers in order to the welcome more travelers.
For this reason, we have launched our online travel platform for Muslims, called Xpath.co. This website allows customers to discover and book Halal restaurants, hotels, tours, and much more.
Please visit now https://www.xpath.co now and register.
Xpath promotion video
If you would are seeking for an opportunity to send your group customers (8+),
please inquire us from the Inquiry Form below.