When to travel?

Miyazaki is known for a very warm and tropical climate.  The number of sunny days is the second top, and the third top for the duration of sunshine in Japan.

Best season: Feb-Dec
Cherry blossoms: end of Mar-Apr
Foliage: Nov

Events / Festivals

Aug: Toi Cape fire festival (都井岬火まつり), Toi cape 都井岬
Oct: Jinmu Taisai festival (神武大祭), Miyazaki
Nov: Morotsuka village culture festival (諸塚村文化祭), Morotsuka 諸塚村
Nov: Kumaso Dance festival (熊襲踊), Miyakonojo 都城
Dec: Nakano mata kagura (中之又神楽), Kijo 木城町

Touristic spots

Capital city: Miyazaki (宮崎)

The medium-sized city which has a tropical ambiance; a lot of sunshine and waterfall of as much as 3000mm a year.  The city is also attractive for tourists as there are so many sightseeing places.

Nichinan Coast (日南海岸), Aoshima island (青島), the laundry board of Oni monster.
Saitobaru Burial Mounds (西都原古墳群), which are estimated to have been built in 4th century.

Obi (飫肥)

Obi is a small town, known as Little Kyoto.  The city still has numbers of traditional streets and stores that remind us of Kyoto, and became the very first Important Preservation District of historic buildings in Kyushu area.

Obi castle (飫肥城) and cherry blossoms.
Obi is famous for Hina Doll girl’s festival (ひな祭り).  They decorate Japanese dolls to wish for a safe and healthy grow-up of girls from February.
Sun Messe Nichinan (サンメッセ日南), Moai statues.  The park is in Nichinan city, which is accessible from Obi.  The only park which has got a permission from Chile to build Moai statues, as an appreciation for reconstructing and restoring the statues in Easter Islands.

Takachiho gorge (高千穂峡)

This nature beauty is a must-go place in Miyazaki prefecture, which was chosen as one of the most beautiful Japanese sceneries.  A few thousand years of water stream of Gokase river (五ヶ瀬川) has created this beauty.  The highlight of the place is a waterfall called Manai waterfall (真名井の滝), which is lighted up during the peak season of early summer.

Udo shrine (鵜戸神社)

Usually, the alter of the shrine is located at the upper side to worship the god.  However, this Udo shrine is so rare that we can find the alter just below the steps, in the cave.  It is said that the God in this shrine will help you find a great partner and safe delivery of the baby.

Ebino Plateau (えびの高原)

This plateau is a part of National Park, which is also selected as the 500 great paths of Japan.  Japanese Pampas glass, which is usually brown in color, changes to red because of ashes from the volcano.  It can have a snow view in wintertime.

Mt. Kirishima, Onami pond (大浪池).
It can snow, which is rare in Kyushu region.

Mt. Kirishima (霧島山)

Description available in Kyushu article.