When to visit?
Toyama is facing to the Japan Sea side, so that the weather in winter can be harsh. There is heavy snow during winter, while summer is hot and dry.

Best season: Apr-Oct
Snow activity: end Dec-Mar
Cherry blossoms: Apr
Foliage: end Oct-Nov
Events / Festivals
May: Sanno festival (山王祭), Toyama
May: Takaoka Mikuruma Yama festival (高岡御車山祭), Takaoka 高岡
Aug: Toyama festival (富山祭), Toyama
Aug: Takaoka Tanabata festival (高岡七夕まつり), Takaoka 高岡
Sep: Ecchu Owara wind festival (越中おわら風の盆), Toyama
Touristic spots

Capital city: Toyama (富山)
Toyama city is located at the center of its coastline of Japan Sea. The size of the city is the second largest of all Japanese cities after the merge which took place in 2005, almost 1/3 of the prefecture is actually Toyama city.

Amaharashi coast (雨晴海岸)
The name of the coast came from a legend that the military leader waited here for the rain to be cleared. From the coast, we can see amazing Tateyama mountains (立山連峰) with their peaks covered with snow, along with waves of the ocean. This is a very rare scenery and it is one of the Toyama’s must-go places.

Tonami (砺波)
Tonami city produces the largest amount of tulip bulbs in Japan. There is a tulip festival held every May, which all the people are waiting for after a long and harsh winter.

Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route (立山黒部アルペンルート)
Do you think that you can only see snow during wintertime? No! In Toyama, from the mid of April until the end of June, Tateyama Kurobe Alpine route opens. The area has too much snow so that they can only open the route after spring. It will be a great idea to travel to this destination if you wish to see snow in early summer.

Kurobe valley (黒部峡谷)
A valley known for a great view of nature, especially during autumn for its foliage. There is a retro train that runs in the mountains to entertain tourists. There is also Unazuki Hot spring (宇奈月温泉) nearby.